Investigation Camera Shot


Aug 24 - 25 2021


8:30 am - 5:30 pm




The course is highly interactive, switching regularly between presentations, videos and different individual and group work activities through experiential learning to further strengthen their skills to initiate and carry out an effective incident investigation.

Participants are given a wide range of incidents on which to practice these skills, and they are assessed throughout the course on a regular basis, not to measure their ability, but to check their understanding of the process. Quizzes/Tests conducted in this course is designed to reinforce the information presented.

The most difficult aspect of any investigation is the analysis carried out at the end of the investigation. After completing this course, an understanding should be gained of how to recognize and distinguish between immediate (or direct) causes of accidents/incidents and the underlying (or root) causes, and how to develop recommendations for corrective actions to prevent them from recurring.

Who Should Attend?

This training is created for anyone who may be appointed to be part of or lead an incident investigation team. After attending the 2-day course, attendees will have the basic understanding of the Why, What, When, Where and Who (5W’s) and How (1H) to conduct an effective incident investigation.

Program Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
• Describe the importance of incident / accident investigation.
• Definitions – What Why When Where How – “Who” (involved) is less or not important
• Describe principles of investigation, • Explain the steps in incident investigation
• Learn incident classifications
• How to determine which incidents warrant which investigation tool
• Know how to conduct an effective interview – The Do’s and Don’ts of what to say and do
• Hazard control measures and follow-up
• Understand how to determine High Potential incidents
• Explain ways to plan and implement corrective action and preventive action.
• Describe the requirements of NADOOPOD (regulatory reporting requirements)

After attending this course, they will be more confident to uncover the who, what, why, when and how of accident investigation.

Speaker – Tn Hj Abu Bakar

Tuan Haji Abu Bakar worked for 37 years in the offshore oil and gas industry with 3 different organizations, including 25 years in Health, Safety and Environment (HSE).

Graduated with Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons) from the University of Sydney, Australia. First job was with an American oil major with well established and very structured HSE Management System, where he got his baptism and strong grounding on HSE, including oversea assignments in New Jersey, USA and London & Southampton, UK.

He worked in Engineering (6 years); Business, Project Evaluation, Planning & Budget Management (6 years); and Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) and Regulatory Management (25 years).

His expertise is in HSE systems development and also enhancing current but proven safety programs and initiatives such as Take 5, Golden Rules, Contractor Interface and Engagement, Onboarding, Contractors Recognition, Performance KPI Management, and practical safety Leadership & Behavior programs.

He is trained under the HRDF “Train The Trainer” TTT certification program.


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